Will you be able to vanquish Montecuccoli, Eugene of Savoy or Marlborough with Turenne, Condé, Villars and impose the Sun King’s will? Or Vauban will be the nemesis of all enemies ‘citadels?
This the first opportunity to play, with a single set of rules, the five conflicts led by France under the reign of Louis XIV the Sun King and the great rebellion called “La fronde”.
The game includes:
• One 59 x 85 cm MOUNTED (!) map covering all Europe.
• 432 double-sided, pre-cut counters (infantry, cavalry, artillery, leaders and generals of all beligerants) and markers (tactical and strategical ones, citadels, controls, war cabinet, resource points, entrenchments, diplomacy, glory…).
• A scenario booklet with original illustrated historiography presenting all the wars of the Sun King (Fronde rebellion (1648-1653), the War of Devolution (1667-1668), the Franco-Dutch War (1672-1678), the War of the Reunions (1683-1684), the War of the League of Augsburg (1688-1697), the War of Spanish Succession (1701-1713)) and an illustrated rulebook with examples and advices for playing the game.
• Many player aids: combat, siege, army commanders, diplomacy, glory, ressource and victory points, change of camps for the French provinces, Condé and Turenne (La Fronde scenario).
Maximise your resource points to recruit armies, build strongholds, lead sieges and battles and win glory points.
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