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Star Wars: Imperial Assault – Bantha Rider Villain Pack (2015)

2 - 5 persone 0 - 0 min 12+
Nomi alternativi: Star Wars: Assalto Imperiale – Pack di espansione: Cavalcatore di Bantha, Star Wars: Assaut sur l'empire – Chevaucheur de Bantha Paquet d'Extension Antagoniste, Star Wars: Imperial Assault – Bantha Rider Villain Pack, Star Wars: Imperial Assault – Bantha-Reiter Schurken-Pack, Star Wars: Imperial Assault – Jinete de Bantha: Pack de Villano, Star Wars: Imperium Atakuje – Jeździec Banthy – zestaw przeciwnika

Editori: Fantasy Flight Games, Asterion Press, Edge Entertainment, Galakta, Heidelberger Spieleverlag
Al momento questo prodotto non è disponibile presso nessun venditore.
Descrizione: The indigenous people of Tatooine, the Tusken Raiders, are known for their lightning-fast raids and ferocious battle tactics as they attack Tatooine’s moisture farmers. The Tusken Raiders are also known for riding out of the desert on banthas – massive, horned beasts that can easily trample those who anger them. With the Bantha Rider Villain Pack, you have the opportunity to swell the forces of the Tusken Raiders from Twin Shadows and ride a bantha into battle in Imperial Assault.

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