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Star Realms: Mercenary Garrison Promo Card (2015)

2 - 6 persone 20 - 0 min 12+
Nomi alternativi: Star Realms: Cardbox, Star Realms: Flip Box, Star Realms: Garnizon Najemników – karta promo, Star Realms: Mercenary Garrison Promo Card

Editori: Wise Wizard Games, IUVI Games, Legion Supplies
Al momento questo prodotto non è disponibile presso nessun venditore.
Descrizione: Promotional card that came with the Legion Supplies Flip Box. The Legion Supplies Card Box (STR982) has 3 copies of this card. A version of this card with alternate art was released in the Star Realms: Promo Pack I.

Mercenary Garrison
Unaligned Base
Outpost 5
(Gold deck construction icon)
Cost 4
No Primary Ability

Ally Abilities

Star Empire: 2 Combat
Machine Cult: Scrap a card from your hand or discard pile
Trade Federation: 3 Authority
Blob: Scrap up to two cards currently in the trade row

Minimum 4 characters
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