Raid & Trade: Cora the Specialist (2015)
3 - 5 persone
90 - 90 min
Nomi alternativi: Raid & Trade: Cora La Especialista, Raid & Trade: Cora la especialista, Raid & Trade: Cora the Specialist
Artisti: Michael Andresakis, Anthony Cournoyer
Editori: Edge Entertainment, MAGE Company
Al momento questo prodotto non è disponibile presso nessun venditore. Editori: Edge Entertainment, MAGE Company
Descrizione: Originally from Hawaii, her knowledge of survival and hunting were taught to her from a young age by her father. Once a demolitions expert in the military, she worked with mercenaries all across the country, until she found herself outside the Golden City...
Cora is the 6th character of Raid & Trade and in this expansion, you will discover a new ability. The ability of detonation!
Cora is the 6th character of Raid & Trade and in this expansion, you will discover a new ability. The ability of detonation!