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Wer war's?: Das Kartenspiel (2015)

2 - 4 persone 15 - 15 min 5+
Nomi alternativi: Qui l'a vu?, Scopri chi è?, Wer war's?: Das Kartenspiel
Artisti: Graham Howells, Walter Pepperle
Al momento questo prodotto non è disponibile presso nessun venditore.
Descrizione: The king's magical ring has been stolen! Feed the animals in the castles, and they will tell us who they saw at the time of the crime. In this way, you can eliminate suspects and catch the thief!

Wer war's: Das Kartenspiel is a card game played with three types of cards: food, animals and suspects. The ten suspects are face-up on the table, as is one card of each of the four animal types. Each turn, a player can perform one of three actions:

Draw two food cards. Each food card shows a number of apples, loaves of bread, or carrots.
Take one of the open animal cards by paying the amount of food shown on the card, using only one type of food (apples, bread or carrots).
Take one of the suspect cards by paying the animal cards shown on the suspect cards. The animals have seen this suspect elsewhere at the time of the crime, and he is not the thief.

The game ends when only one suspect remains — he is the thief! The players now look at the suspect cards they have collected. Each card is worth a number of gold coins. The player who has collected the most coins wins!

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