Terraforming Mars: Bactoviral Research Promo Card (2021)
1 - 5 persone
120 - 120 min
Nomi alternativi: Mars: Teraformace – Mikrobiologický výzkum promo karta, Terraformacja Marsa: Badania nad drobnoustrojami – karta promo, Terraforming Mars: Bactoviral Research Promo Card, Terraforming Mars: Baktovirale Forschung Promo Karte, Terraforming Mars: Investigación bacteriovírica, Terraforming Mars: Recherche bactérovirale, Покорение Марса: промо-карта Клеточные исследования
Editori: FryxGames, Intrafin Games, Lavka Games, Maldito Games, MINDOK, Rebel Sp. z o.o., Schwerkraft-Verlag
Descrizione: Summer Season Promo 2021 of FryxGames, which you can buy on its own, or get for free if you order a certain amount at their webstore.
Bactoviral Research
It's a green card with a cost of 10 M€. It has a science- and microbe-tag.
Effect: Draw 1 card. Choose one of your played cards and add 1 microbe to it for each science tag you have, including this one.
Promo card X35
Bactoviral Research
It's a green card with a cost of 10 M€. It has a science- and microbe-tag.
Effect: Draw 1 card. Choose one of your played cards and add 1 microbe to it for each science tag you have, including this one.
Promo card X35