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Ironbottom Sound (1981)

2 - 4 persone 120 - 120 min 12+
Nomi alternativi: Ironbottom Sound, Ironbottom Sound: The G궬anal Campaign, アイアンボトム サウンド

Editori: Hobby Japan, Quarterdeck Games
Riconoscimenti: 1981 Charles S. Roberts Best Initial Release Nominee, 1981 Charles S. Roberts Best Initial Release Winner
Al momento questo prodotto non è disponibile presso nessun venditore.
Descrizione: Simultaneous-plotting hex-based naval game based on actions near Guadalcanal during WWII. Ten scenarios are provided, five historical and five balanced "tournament" situation. Scale is 600 yards/hex.

Gunfire and torpedo fire are figured in "factors" per turret, with all guns of the same caliber firing on a single target rolling once, using a range-modified ordered-pair of dice against a table, for number of hits. The location of each hit is then determined by another ordered-pair roll against another table.

Each ship has a damage sheet showing its gunnery and torpedo layout, and giving number of factors for each turret/mount. It also serves as the damage record sheet for the ship, and specifies armor thickness over protected locations (e.g. belt, primary turrets, secondary turrets, bridge). A ship sinks when its last hull box is marked off.

The game is basically set up for two-player ftf, but short rules for PBM, moderated two-player, and moderated multi-player are provided.

The second edition, Iron bottom Sound 2 (note post-WWII spelling of title), was published by Moments in History in 1998.

Some significant rules changes (torpedo rules in particular) and a different scenario mix. Includes a night convoy battle in the Mediterranean.

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