Imagination: Party (2015)
3 - 9 persone
30 - 0 min
Nomi alternativi: Imagination: Party, Воображарий: Вечеринка
Descrizione: Do you think that you can explain in a minute what an old chestnut or a permafrost is? Will you be able to do it while standing on one leg or by using verbs only?
Воображарий: Вечеринка (Imagination: Party) is a fun game about guessing words based on the hit Russian game Воображарий. Each turn, a player is selected to describe a word or a short phrase. A special card dictates whether the player have to give an explanation, to act or to do a unique show! If you are active, creative and positive you'll get a chance to become the brightest star of your party!
Imagination: Party is a standalone game, but it can also be combined with Imagination.
Воображарий: Вечеринка (Imagination: Party) is a fun game about guessing words based on the hit Russian game Воображарий. Each turn, a player is selected to describe a word or a short phrase. A special card dictates whether the player have to give an explanation, to act or to do a unique show! If you are active, creative and positive you'll get a chance to become the brightest star of your party!
Imagination: Party is a standalone game, but it can also be combined with Imagination.