Hospodský kvíz (2016)
3 - 6 persone
30 - 40 min
Editori: Albi, moses. Verlag GmbH
Descrizione: In "Kneipenquiz: Das Original" players anwer questions like in a Pub-Quiz. Players either play together (vs. imaginery opponents) or in a team vs. team mode.
The 750 questions cover the following categories: General knowledge, literature, science, sports, movies, history and useless knowledge.
A game consists of five turns where each turn has a time limit of 5 minutes. For every correct answer a team advances one or several fields on the board. After turn five the team which advanced the most on the board is victorious.
The 750 questions cover the following categories: General knowledge, literature, science, sports, movies, history and useless knowledge.
A game consists of five turns where each turn has a time limit of 5 minutes. For every correct answer a team advances one or several fields on the board. After turn five the team which advanced the most on the board is victorious.