ElfBall (2007)
2 - 2 persone
75 - 75 min
Nomi alternativi: Elf Ball, ElfBall
Artisti: Melvin de Voor, Eric Reiter
Al momento questo prodotto non è disponibile presso nessun venditore.
Descrizione: From the designer:
ElfBall is rich in tactical stimulation, but streamlined in play. It's the kind of game for those nights when you'd like to play something, but don't want to commit to a traditional fantasy sports simulation.
One of the great mysteries of the sport of Elfball is just where it began, and how it got its name. The Elves of the vast forests of the Westerlands claim to have been playing the sport since the dawn of time, and that they named it in honor of themselves. The Dwarves and Orcs, high in their mountain homes, dispute this bold claim and insist that the game’s name instead refers to the type of severed head that makes the best ball core; both races maintain that they are in fact the originators and some of the bloodiest wars in the history of the realms have been fought over this claim. The men of the Middle Kingdoms ignore the squabbles of the elder races and call the game De Circque instead.
Today Elfball is played by every nation and tribe of the world, and with a few regional variations, it is played the same on fields throughout The Realms. The design of the field, the distinctive ball, and the rules of play are all quite standardized.
This game was prototyped in 2002 by Phigs Miniatures but did not see production until the game rules were overhauled and changed about 80% from the prototype and then released by Impact! Miniatures in 2007.
ElfBall is rich in tactical stimulation, but streamlined in play. It's the kind of game for those nights when you'd like to play something, but don't want to commit to a traditional fantasy sports simulation.
One of the great mysteries of the sport of Elfball is just where it began, and how it got its name. The Elves of the vast forests of the Westerlands claim to have been playing the sport since the dawn of time, and that they named it in honor of themselves. The Dwarves and Orcs, high in their mountain homes, dispute this bold claim and insist that the game’s name instead refers to the type of severed head that makes the best ball core; both races maintain that they are in fact the originators and some of the bloodiest wars in the history of the realms have been fought over this claim. The men of the Middle Kingdoms ignore the squabbles of the elder races and call the game De Circque instead.
Today Elfball is played by every nation and tribe of the world, and with a few regional variations, it is played the same on fields throughout The Realms. The design of the field, the distinctive ball, and the rules of play are all quite standardized.
This game was prototyped in 2002 by Phigs Miniatures but did not see production until the game rules were overhauled and changed about 80% from the prototype and then released by Impact! Miniatures in 2007.