WordARound (2012)
2 - 6 persone
30 - 30 min
Nomi alternativi: Disney WordARound, LetraALetra, LletraALletra, WordARound, WordARound 2, WordARound: Holiday
Artisti: Joe Herbert, Dave Herbert
Editori: HCM Kinzel, ThinkFun
Riconoscimenti: 2013 Mensa Recommended, 2013/Spring Parents' Choice Recommended
Al momento questo prodotto non è disponibile presso nessun venditore. Editori: HCM Kinzel, ThinkFun
Riconoscimenti: 2013 Mensa Recommended, 2013/Spring Parents' Choice Recommended
Descrizione: In WordAround, players try to discover and read words written in a circle on round cards before their opponents. The players who guesses it correctly gets the card as a point. Whoever has more cards at the end of the game wins.
The game includes 100 cards with 300 words.
The game includes 100 cards with 300 words.