Maloney's Inheritance (1988)
3 - 6 persone
45 - 45 min
Nomi alternativi: Das Erbe des Maloney, L'Héritage de Maloney, Maloney's Inheritance, Maloneys testamente, El Testamento de Maloney
Artisti: Dietrich Lange, Gerhard Schmid, Thomas Weiss
Editori: Educa Sallent SA, Otto Maier Verlag
Al momento questo prodotto non è disponibile presso nessun venditore. Editori: Educa Sallent SA, Otto Maier Verlag
Descrizione: Players are traveling from city-to-city with a single car. All players have a goal to reach a different city at a certain time in order to maximize points. As each player has a different set of goals, some players will benefit while others will lose out.
On each turn, the control of the car will be auctioned. After the auction round, the winner pays the bank and chooses the destination for the car.
Upon arrival at a city, the driver receives that city's suitcase. This suitcase can indicate that the driver receives up to five points or $1,500. It may also say that he loses up to three points or $1,000.
Additionally, upon arriving in a city, players may play action cards that correspond to the city. Points are awarded depending on the day of the week of the arrival. Tuesdays and Fridays you receive double points.
The game ends either when a player has received 69 points or when a player is out of action cards. Each player can then buy additional points for $1,000 each.
On each turn, the control of the car will be auctioned. After the auction round, the winner pays the bank and chooses the destination for the car.
Upon arrival at a city, the driver receives that city's suitcase. This suitcase can indicate that the driver receives up to five points or $1,500. It may also say that he loses up to three points or $1,000.
Additionally, upon arriving in a city, players may play action cards that correspond to the city. Points are awarded depending on the day of the week of the arrival. Tuesdays and Fridays you receive double points.
The game ends either when a player has received 69 points or when a player is out of action cards. Each player can then buy additional points for $1,000 each.