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CV-лизации (2015)

2 - 5 persone 45 - 60 min 10+
Nomi alternativi: CV-лизации, CVlizacje, CVlizations, CVЛізація, シヴライゼーション, 撰寫文明史

Editori: Arclight Games, Belleville (u0411u0435u043bu044cu0432u0456u043bu044c), Fantasmagoria, GeGe Co. Ltd., Granna, Passport Game Studios
Riconoscimenti: 2016 Gra Roku Game of the Year Nominee, 2016 UK Games Expo Best Family Game Winner
Al momento questo prodotto non è disponibile presso nessun venditore.
Descrizione: In CVlizations, you take the role of a leader of a tribe, and you are charged with the task of "writing" its CV (Curriculum Vitae - résumé). To do so, you choose which orders to give and which inventions, tools, buildings and ideologies to develop. The happiness of your people depends on you.

Gameplay is built around action selection. Each turn, every player chooses two order cards, and the strength of the action depends on how many other players have chosen that action. Players manage their resources to develop ideas, and in the end the one who collected the most happiness points wins.

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