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Imperial Settlers: Expedition Tokens (2015)

1 - 4 persone 45 - 90 min 10+
Nomi alternativi: Colonos del Imperio: Cartas de Expedición, Imperial Setters: Fichas de Expedição, Imperial Settlers: Expeditietegels, Imperial Settlers: Expedition Tokens, Imperial Settlers: Exploration Tiles, Osadnicy: Narodziny Imperium – Żetony Eksploracji, Settlers: Naissance d'un empire – Cartes d'expédition

Editori: Edge Entertainment, Mandala Jogos, Portal Games, White Goblin Games
Al momento questo prodotto non è disponibile presso nessun venditore.
Descrizione: Imperial Settlers: Exploration Tiles is a mini-expansion consisting of four new tiles that make passing early in a round of Imperial Settlers a viable option. Now after passing, you send your scouts to explore the neighborhood — i.e., choose one of the tiles — and they return with bonus cards, resources, etc., whatever you choose that is still available...

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