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Port Royal: Gambler Promo Card (2015)

2 - 5 persone 20 - 50 min 8+
Nomi alternativi: Carte promotionala Parior, Port Royal: Carta Promocional Jogador, Port Royal: carta promocional Jugador, Port Royal: Gambler Promo Card, Port Royal: Promokarte Spieler, Port Royal: Szerencsejátékos promo kártya, Port Royal: Tahúr

Editori: Pegasus Spiele, Ediciones MasQueOca, Oxygame, PaperGames (III), Piatnik, W. Nostheide Verlag GmbH
Al momento questo prodotto non è disponibile presso nessun venditore.
Descrizione: As the active player you may reveal the next 4 cards at once in the discover phase. This grants you one additional purchase.
You must not fend off any ships, and taxes are dealt with in the revealed order. After that you are forced to end your discover phase.

Originally available as a door prize at Stadt Land Spielt, then later packaged with Spielbox 2016/1.

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