Buzoku (2014)
4 - 4 persone
20 - 30 min
Nomi alternativi: Buzoku, ブゾク
Descrizione: ブゾク "Tribe" is a rather abstract cardgame rendering the conflict between two Mesoamerican tribes. The game plays over four alternatingly good and bad seasons: trying to increase the size of the tribe in each good season, and attempting to avoid the perils of the bad seasons.
It's explicitly a team game. Teams alternate play: but unlike most such card games, each team-mate plays a card secretly together, then discusses (without revealing anything about the played cards) which should take effect first. Each card played adjusts the ownership of important resources, might grant a hunting token, or might increase (in a good season) or decrease (in a bad) the size of the tribe. Largest tribe at the end of the game wins.
It's explicitly a team game. Teams alternate play: but unlike most such card games, each team-mate plays a card secretly together, then discusses (without revealing anything about the played cards) which should take effect first. Each card played adjusts the ownership of important resources, might grant a hunting token, or might increase (in a good season) or decrease (in a bad) the size of the tribe. Largest tribe at the end of the game wins.