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Black Stories: Shit Happens Edition (2013)

2 - 15 persone 20 - 20 min 12+
Nomi alternativi: Black Stories: C'est la vie!, Black Stories: Marrones Mortales, Black Stories: Shit Happens, Black Stories: Shit Happens Edition, Černé historky: Absurdní příběhy, Črne zgodbe: Se zgodi, Fekete történetek: Sz@r ügy, Povești Întunecate: Ediția Shit Happens, Мрачные истории: Всякое случается, 블랙 스토리즈: 운수 나쁜 날

Editori: Brain Games, Galu00e1pagos Jogos, Gameplay Publishing ApS, Gen-X Games, Kikigagne?, Lex Games, Lifestyle Boardgames Ltd, Mandoo Games, MINDOK, moses. Verlag GmbH, Reflexshop, Story Factory
Al momento questo prodotto non è disponibile presso nessun venditore.
Descrizione: How could that have happened? Black Stories are fiddly, morbid and mysterious riddles for teenagers and adults. The players try to reconstruct the crime by asking, guessing and fiddling about. Only yes/no answers are allowed. A spooky card game just right for any party.

This edition features black stories that really happened. It contains 50 stories, written by life, which are mostly absurd.

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