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Bilder (2018)

2 - 12 persone 15 - 60 min 8+
Nomi alternativi: Bilder, IDEALE

Editori: (Self-Published), Monkeyshine Games, MS Edizioni
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Descrizione: BILDER is a tabletop game for 2 to 12 players where you unleash your imagination.

Use the 40 wooden pieces to create structures, tell stories and move the pieces around to make scenes come to life. Guess what the others are making to collect all the letters in B-I-L-D-E-R and win the game.
Everyone takes turns being the bilder. That's when you get to use wooden bilding blocks to bild something as the other players guess.

First, you draw a What card. The 'What' card gives you 2 choices of things to bild, could be anything. The letters and colors represent the category. There are six in total:

Category Beings is for biological bodies, be it human being, beast, or botanical. Examples could be a lumberjack, or conjoined twins.
Category Imagined indicates invented ideas and implausible imaginings, including Frankenstein’s monster or the Tooth fairy
Category Locations lists lots of places and landmarks, local or less closeby, like the Berlin Wall or the Garden of Eden.
Category Devices designates doodads and doohickeys. The domain of designed objects, like a jetpack or a game boy.
Category Events entails epic or everyday encounters and experiences, for example a rocket launch or an alien abduction
Category rest is a random ragbag of everything that remains outside the reach of previous categories, like Wheel of Fortune or a witch burning.

The goal of the game is to collect all 6 letters, which conveniently spell out B-I-L-D-E-R.

You earn cards by guessing whatever the bilder is bilding. The Bilder, however, can only score a letter by choosing one of 3 revealed HOW cards.

Most HOW cards make bilding harder by adding an extra rule
Some HOW cards make it easier, by allowing extra hints

Challenges are wildcards that change the game rules. Not just bilding something, but a test of skill that you must pass to earn this card. It’s also a joker that can be used as any letter.

—description from the designer

Minimum 4 characters
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