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The von Reisswitz Kriegsspiel: The Prussian Army Wargame (1824)

2 - 99 persone 300 - 300 min 12+
Nomi alternativi: Anleitung zur Darstellung militairischer Manöver mit dem Apparat des Kriegs-Spieles, Krigs-spelet eller Åskådligt föreställande af manövrer och strider med större eller mindre corpser af alla vapen, Von Reisswitz Kriegsspiel, The von Reisswitz Kriegsspiel: The Prussian Army Wargame

Editori: (Web published), Bill Leeson, Johan Hu00f6rberg, Too Fat Lardies
Al momento questo prodotto non è disponibile presso nessun venditore.
Descrizione: A 1983 translation into English and reprint of the original Prussian Kriegspiel map wargame. The book includes all the tables and charts needed to play as well as cardboard units to be cut out and a terrain map for a small battle. Leeson's translation includes some elements from later developments in the game, until about 1870, when the "Rigid Kriegspiel" (rules-based) of Von Reisswitz gave way to the "Free Kriegspiel" system (based on the umpire's judgment and experience). The aim of the rules is well described by the subtitle "Instructions for the Representation of Military Maneuvers with Kriegspiel Apparatus."

The book has been reprinted by Too Fat Lardies in 2007.

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