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Age of Craft (2014)

2 - 4 persone 40 - 40 min 10+
Nomi alternativi: Age of Craft, 大建築時代

Editori: Chicken Dice Games (u30c1u30adu30f3u30c0u30a4u30b9u30b2u30fcu30e0u30ba), Southern Cross Games (u30b5u30b6u30f3u30afu30edu30b9u30b2u30fcu30e0u30ba)
Al momento questo prodotto non è disponibile presso nessun venditore.
Descrizione: Age of Craft is a combination resource management and tableau building game in which dice are drafted and traded among players as each seeks to build the best city.

A set of six types of basic cards providing resource production and victory points is combined with a set of seven types of randomly chosen action cards to form a supply. Each card represents a type of building that the players may add to their cities.

The active player rolls three dice, chooses one number to keep, then passes the remaining dice clockwise for other players to select. The active player may then negotiate with opponents to trade dice, in order to build up certain combinations of numbers, which represent different kinds of resources. These combinations are then spent to purchase cards to be added to the player's tableau.

The game ends either when one player reaches a total of 20 points or when the last "Mercantile House" card in the supply is purchased. The player with the most points wins.

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