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Paladins of the West Kingdom: City of Crowns (2021)

1 - 4 persone 90 - 120 min 12+
Nomi alternativi: A Nyugati királyság Lovagjai: Koronák városa, Paladine des Westfrankenreichs: Stadt der Kronen, Paladines del Reino del Oeste: Ciudad de Coronas, Paladini del Regno Occidentale: La Città delle Corone, Paladinos do Reino Ocidental: Cidade das Coroas, Paladinové Západního království: Sídla šlechticů, Paladins du Royaume de l'Ouest: Cité des Couronnes, Paladins of the West Kingdom: City of Crowns, Paladyni Zachodniego Królestwa: Wiek Królów, Паладины западного королевства: Город корон, 西国圣骑士:王冠之城, 서쪽 왕국의 성기사 확장: 왕관의 도시

Editori: Garphill Games, Banana Games, CMON Global Limited, Fever Games, Korea Boardgames, Lavka Games, Mosaico Jogos, Pixie Games, Portal Games, Primigenio, Reflexshop, Schwerkraft-Verlag, TLAMA games
Al momento questo prodotto non è disponibile presso nessun venditore.
Descrizione: In Paladins of the West Kingdom: City of Crowns, noble allies have responded to the recent attacks against our borders. Only through careful negotiation and diplomacy will these dukes, barons, counts and margraves offer the aid we so desperately need. Will you be able to muster enough support to once again defend this great city, or will you crumble beneath the weight of indecision and apathy?

This expansion adds new extensions for both the main board and player boards. Players have a new attribute to manage and new actions available on each turn.

—description from the publisher

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